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The Sheep-Pig – Dick King-Smith

Why can’t I be a sheep-pig? If I can’t be a sheep-dog, then I’ll be a sheep-pig. This is the existential dilemma Babe, our protagonist faces. Dick King-Smith absolutely nails the narrative and the ultimate question; is one’s destiny predetermined?

The story takes place with our protagonist Babe the pig. With his natural curiosity and cute piglet appearance, he immediately grabbed Farmer Hoggett’s attention. The sheep farmer adopts him to fatten him up and one day serve him as a main course for his family

Spending his early years with the sheep and the sheep-dog Fly, Babe has not only learned to communicate with the barn animals but has also learned the essence of sheep herding. Babe decides to take a jab at it. And to everyone’s surprise Babe is a complete natural in herding sheep. Babe turned his destiny of becoming a Sunday evening dinner to the most talented herder.

Smith reminds us that with hard work and diligence anyone or anypig can become whatever they wish to be. Don’t let any farmer, owner or individual tell you what you can and cannot do.

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